Learn how some of the world's most financially successful people have solved the "time for money" trap while also helping others become financially independent. This is the perfect Audio CD to give to your friends, family and potenial prospects to listen to challenge them to be financially successful and weather or not they will make a decision to create financial success in their life through a network marketing business. Chris Wideners goal is to help your prospects discover the primarry keys to achieving financial security and independance. Specifically how network marketing & direct sales is an incredable oppertunity for anyone to achieve financial security and independance. Chris also specilized on overcoming all the most common objections people have when considering starting or joining a network marketing oppertunity. Chris will help you challenge and win over even your most skeptical prospects on the cocept of network marketing and direct sales.
Topics Include:
1. Studying Success
2. Profits vs. Wages
3. Stationary/Standard/Traditional Profits
4. Leveraged Profit Systems
5. What Separates Successful People from Unsuccessful People
6. Hunting vs. Fishing
7. Working Hard on Yourself
8. Leaving a Legacy
Chris Widener is a seasoned businessman, best-selling author, coach, consultant to CEOs and other C- level executives, noted television personality, and dynamic speaker recognized world wide. He has spoken to groups at some of America's finest organizations, including General Electric, Cisco Systems, Microsoft, and the Harvard School of Business. Chris has written over 400 articles and produced more than 30 audio programs on the subject of leadership and motivation. He is the author of nine books, including, the New York Times and Wall Street Journal best-selling The angel Inside and his latest, Leadership Rules.
Your CD Invisible Profit System is a great CD and is right on. We have been in network marketing for 9 years come April 1. We have never quit, but we have had plenty that have which makes my husband and I very sad, they were doing well, but got of track or something else looked better. This is why I think you have hit it with the fact about hunting and fishing. This is a great CD to give to new people as well as some of our leaders that have gotten off track.
Ellen Franklin